Completed works

Quarry sands
Kurna interchange on Tallinna ring road
Completed: October 2015
Construction of the object needed 338,773 tons of AS Silikaat's quarry sand.
According to the Estonian Road Adminsitration, completion of the Kurna interchange continued modernising the Tallinn ring road into a first class road with 2+2 lanes. Out of all main roads in Estonia, traffic has increased the most on the Tallinn ring road - nearly 50% in the last ten years.
Construction block
Väike-Järve business centre
Completed: March 2020
Silicate blocks 240 Silence and 120 Slim were used in partition walls.
Address: Pärnu mnt. 186, Tallinn, Estonia
Photo: Tiit Veermäe
Construction block
Rental house in Koksvere
Completed: May 2020
Silicate block 240 Silence used in bearing and partition walls.
Photos: Olev Kenk / ERR
Silicate brick
9-storey apartment building on Ehitajate tee
Architect Nikolai Jakobišvili
Completed: 2003
Construction block
Office building for agricultural companies in Kõo
Completed: 2018
The Kõo office building houses four Silikaat Grupp companies: Kõo Agro OÜ, Biometaan OÜ, Mangeni PM ja Navesti OÜ.